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Faculty Liaison Service to CCTAD – Spring 2006 through Spring 2007 - Virginia Tech

As a graduate assistant at Virginia Tech, Jason taught the university’s only film production course (at the time) for the Department of Communication during the Spring 2006 semester under the supervision of then-Department Chair Dr. Rachel Holloway.  It was through this teaching appointment that Jason also served as the "faculty liaison" from the Communication Department to the university’s interdisciplinary CyberArts collaborative, joining with colleagues in the fields of Art, Computer Science, and Engineering to co-mentor students in creating personally inspired digital art pieces for exhibition.  The mission of CCTAD is as follows:


"The Collaborative for Creative Technologies in the Arts and Design (CCTAD) brings together faculty and students in the arts, design, sciences and engineering for interdisciplinary research and practice in digital arts. Critically aware cultural practitioners, theoreticians, and researchers work across traditional disciplinary boundaries."  -

After a new film professor was hired for the following 2006-2007 academic year, Jason continued his service as the "faculty liaison" from the Communication Department to CCTAD while also assisting the new film professor with his two production courses.

Faculty members that Jason worked with as part of this interdisciplinary collaborative included:

The images to the right and below show a small sample of the student work that these and other faculty members and Jason co-mentored, which culminated in an end-of-academic-year art showcase each Spring.

At the end of May 2007, Jason left Virginia Tech to accept an adjunct professor position at the University of Central Arkansas.

Flat Earth

project consisting of a "wall" of interconnected Apple iMacs,

CS4984: Fall 2006 – Spring 2007CCTAD Showcase,

downtown Blacksburg, VA.

(photo by D. Jason Knowles)

Chakra Man

CS4984: Fall 2006 – Spring 2007CCTAD Showcase,

downtown Blacksburg, VA.

Students:  Matt, Kat, Will, and Nathan

(photo by D. Jason Knowles)

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